Cycled up to PG hill. Nice weather and breathtaking. This is a snap shot of PG island on the last day of the decade. Cool wind and nice breeze. Looking back 10 years..... these are the events that I remember.
2000 - Was at Intel during that time - went back to work on the 1st January for the Y2k cut over. Parents was at home watching fireworks display around the world. Bought my first car in 2000 - a Proton Iswara.
2001 - I know some terrorist crash 2 commercial air plane into the WTC @ NY. Intel share drop. Happy Moments - My elder brother got married. Parents was very happy. I got drunk and puke the whole house.
The sad thing in 2001 - I have to drive my grandmother to the old folks home on that year.
I cried while driving her to the old folks home. She passed away in December @ the old folks home. No family member next to her.
2002 - Went backpacking - London, Liverpool and Dublin. Got dumped by a girl from Ipoh. I was fat - 95kg. Move from Intel Kulim to Intel PG. Work as a Shift Supervisor. Work OT for 6 months to clear all my credit card debt. During that period - I don't know the definition of day or night. I pick myself up on that year - I took up mountain biking and I told myself - I'm going to be fit and lean. My 3rd aunty passed away due to cancer.
2003 - My sister got married. I met someone in the office. She someone that looks like a Shanghai gal to me. She was a Product Engineer for Northwood (Pentium 4). Never talk much to her..... knowing that she comes from a rich family.... who am I? I can just admire her from far. Got transferred out to normal shift job - Project Lead for Autoplan & AUTO SFGI Kitting for Fuse to Order. Great exposure and great visibility for me in front of all the VF management. Report to a great manager - WC.
2004 - Great year - Finally managed to date the Product Engineer - her name is Jiin Siang. First date was on 14th February @ Gloria Jeans - Garage. Official date of becoming a couple - 21 March 2004. I was sent to US for 2 months in May - June. Got promoted on this year - one thing I remember - my boss WC drove all the way from Pg to Kulim to give me the package letter. 25% increment and the number amount of stocks..... blew my mind. 2004 was a great year to remember. When I was in US - WC visited me to check and make sure I'm in one piece.
2005- Bought an Apartment together with JS. I left Intel to join SAP consulting. Met another great lady manager name Linda Lim. She is a great coach and mentor. Got 30% increment for the year 2005. Lance Armstrong won his 7th Tour De France.
2006 - Not a great year at the begining. Was sent to China for 2 months assignment. Delayed my marriage registration. Work on a project @ Prai - tight schedule. Work till 2am-3am every nite. Got married with JS on 30th Sept 2006, the same date with my Chinese birthday. I never see my wife for the next 4 days after my wedding. I went back to work after my wedding ceremony. Got an offer from Dell - 1st interview on Tue, 2nd interview on Wed, medical check up on Thur and sign letter offer, Fri - fly off for honeymoon.
2007 - 3rd Day of CNY - met with an cycling accident. JS cried as she's shocked. My Elder bro did his Langkawi Ironman.
2008 - I lost my grand aunty. Very sad year. When to Australia and Hong Kong for holidays.
2009 - Tough year at work as I was reporting to a "stupid arrogant" boss by the name of Krishnan. He's the most screw up boss I've ever reported to. Got transferred out from the dept and luckily - got promoted. Biggest achievement of the year - Climb Mount Kinabalu under extreme weather conditions. Overall - it's been a great year!